December 31, 2011

Declutter your soul ....

As 2011 draws to a close and there are less than 12 hours to the new year I was sitting here thinking about a post by Sally Clarkson over at I take Joy. Sally has written:

I thought I would share a few quotes that have encouraged me today from her post:

The more there is, the more I become responsible for, the more work there is to be done, and so, the more anxious I become. Same with activities. The more I commit to, the more I say yes, the more I have to drive, the more my house gets into a mess, and the more anxious I become, the more hurried we feel, and the more weary I become. When I am not at peace, nothing in our home is at peace. - Sally
This really spoke to me.  I have been thinking that the issues are the house, the children, the , the clutter, my relationships and homeschooling but in reality the issue is that I am not at peace.  Peace is something my Heavenly Father has given each of us.  My Mom often says you are the one who controls the atmosphere of your home and I am slowly coming to realize just how right she is. I have to own that it's not their responsibility to keep me feeling level and at peace it is my responsibility.  The only way I can achieve this by being in the Word and meditating on what He is speaking to me.

But, I have also come to realize that my brain and heart can be the same way—cluttered with worries, responsibilities, duties, children’s future, finances, time constraints, expectations, disappointments, critical attitudes, resentment. All of these added together, can tend to create soul piles and mind clutter. If I don’t take the time to sort the piles of mind clutter, my spirit becomes a mess and my heart becomes overwhelmed and weary. - Sally
I felt like I was reading about myself.  This is how I have been feeling.  Sigh

It always amazes me how He brings across my path the words I need at just the right moment. I felt as though I was the only one who was feeling this way.  I am not and that I find a comfort in itself.

I resolve to deal with my soul-clutter, so that I may have strength to face each day in peace. I come to the place where I know I will find the help that I need. I come to my Father and ask Him to help me, His child, to show me how to make get rid of the junk that is unnecessary, and to help me clean out and organize my soul. - Sally

This picture has become a symbol for me for the new year. This is what I need to do.  I need to deal with the soul clutter so that I can have the strength for each day. I need to be in His Word rediscovering His truth for me. I am looking forward to the year ahead of me in His Word discovering His keys for me !

The Lord prompted, “List all of your issues, give them over to me, don’t hold on to them. I am capable of taking them from you and being responsible so that you will not be weary or carry what you are not capable of carrying. - Sally
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. “ Psalm 37:7
As I read the above words I felt as though the Lord whispered these words to me.

If you are in need of a boost of encouraging words to your spirit head on over to I Take Joy to read the complete article by Sally.

What words are on your heart from Him for the new year ? What are your goals and dreams ?



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